21/ Troubleshoot

Something doesn’t work as expected? Please, try the following:

  • Refresh the Lumiverse™ page in Chrome. Clear cache in Chrome (Ctrl+F5 or via Chrome settings).
  • Reboot the LAZR 4G™ device. In Lumiverse™ (my.lumiverse.com), navigate to power button Power and find the Reboot Device option. Select, and confirm the reboot. After confirmation, the device will reboot in about 5 minutes time. During the reboot, the device will become offline for a short period of time. Please, wait for the device to come back online and continue using the Lumiverse™ (my.lumiverse.com) interface normally.

  • Didn’t help? Is the device offline and therefore the access to Power/Reboot is not available in the Lumiverse™ interface? Then switch the LAZR 4G™ device off and on again manually by pressing the main power button (BTN) on the back of the device. After you press the button, the device will start to switch off. You can tell it has completed switching off, once all LEDs stop blinking. After all LEDs are off, press BTN again to switch the device on again. Wait for the device to get online and continue using the Lumiverse™ (my.lumiverse.com) interface normally.

  • If that doesn’t help or is not possible, plug the device off electricity, wait a few seconds, and plug it back in. Wait for the device to re-start and get online automatically in about 5 minutes and continue using the Lumiverse™ (my.lumiverse.com) interface normally.

  • If none of the above helped, please contact support@LM3X.com with your support request, our engineers will investigate the problem and offer options shortly.